Gazebo - Rævehulen - Fladbro Skov - Randers, Denmark
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N 56° 26.866 E 009° 57.571
32V E 559148 N 6256329
Pavillonen "Rævehulen" i Fladbro Skov, ved Randers --- Gazebo "The Fox Cave" in the forrest of Fladbro, near Randers, Denmark
Waymark Code: WMJ3QK
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 09/18/2013
Views: 6
Rævehulen er et tilbud fra Randers Kommune om undervisning i naturen for skoler og daginstitutioner og andre grupper som vil på ekskurtion i naturen. Pavillionen anvendes som base for offentlige naturture, undervisning og aktiviteter i Fladbro Skov.
Pavillionen er bygget af træ og vedligeholdes af Randers Kommune. Det er muligt at reservere Rævehulen for institutioner, skoler og andre grupper som arbejder med børn og natur. I pavillionen er opsat information og kontaktinformationer omkring dette.
The Fox Cave is a project by Randers municipality on teaching of nature for schools and day care centers and other groups who want to learn in the nature. The gazebo is used as a base for public nature tours, teaching and activities in Fladbro Forest.
The Gazebo was built of wood and it is maintained by Randers Municipality. It is possible to reserve The Fox Cave for institutions, schools and other groups working with children and nature. In the gazebo you will find information and contact details about this.
Seating Type: Free Standing Seating
 Location: Fladbro Skov, Randers, Denmark
 Materials Used: Wood
 Other Material Used: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
A clear photo of the gazebo would be nice. Tell about your experience there.