BLM Land W Hermans Road - Tucson, AZ
Posted by: Poehunters
N 32° 06.262 W 111° 07.924
12S E 487539 N 3552011
Metal Detecting is permitted in this Bureau of Land Management(BLM) area in Tucson, AZ.
Waymark Code: WMHYKH
Location: Arizona, United States
Date Posted: 08/27/2013
Views: 24
On this stretch of BLM land it is legal to use your metal detector as long as the prospecting is purely on a casual recreational basis (ie: gold panning, rock collecting) and the metal detecting is ONLY for mineral detection or collecting modern objects (such as loose change from picnic ground). This area is not a historic sites or considered a sensitive area. There are plenty of property signs to distinguish the BLM land and where the Arizona State Land begins. It is not legal to do any metal detecting on Arizona State Land , so please pay attention to the signs.
Arizona BLM Casual Use Guidelines:
visit link)
Interactive Map for BLM Land
visit link)
Depth item was found: .1
Item rating: common
Item condition: fine
Estimated value of item found: high
Search this area again: yes
Item want list: keep
Description of item's found: misc coins left from hunters
Comments about the item found: 30 cal
Equipment used: Ogle lite high gain polymorphic nomination discrimination
Land ownership: Public
Date site was found: Not listed
coin 1: Not listed
coin 2: Not listed
coin 3: Not listed
coin 4: Not listed
coin 5: Not listed
coin 6: Not listed
coin 7: Not listed
coin 8: Not listed
coin 9: Not listed
coin 10: Not listed
artefact 1: Not listed
artefact 2: Not listed
artefact 3: Not listed
artefact 4: Not listed
artefact 5: Not listed
artefact 6: Not listed
artefact 7: Not listed
artefact 8: Not listed
artefact 9: Not listed
artefact 10: Not listed
Location of find-address,city,state,zip,country,county: Not listed
Location notes: Not listed
Contact information of land owner: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Here are some guidelines, you can use to help you to log your waymarks, if you like. You can put a waymark at the centre of the site, or at the location of a random find, or at all your finds so you can put the Latitude and Longitude on a map to see where all your finds or at. The date item was found: Item rating-common,scarce,very rare: Item condition-poor,good,fine,vfine: Estimated value of item found: Item want list-sell,keep,trade: Description of item found: Comments about the item found: Lo