Leaning Tower of Pisa ~ Niles, Illinois
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N 42° 00.742 W 087° 47.051
16T E 435068 N 4651446
Located at 6300 Touhy Avenue, Niles, IL
Waymark Code: WMGVT
Location: Illinois, United States
Date Posted: 07/09/2006
Views: 141
The Leaning Tower of Niles is, of course, a replica of Italy's Leaning Tower of Pisa. It is roughly half-sized -- 94 feet, vs. the authentic's 177 feet, and leans about 7'4" off plum (vs. Pisa's 15 foot tilt).
America's Leaning Tower was built in 1934 (600 years after the original), and for many years has stood in front of the Tower YMCA. It was a utility tower, made from steel, concrete and precast stone, designed to store water. A plaque at its base says it was built to honor the outstanding scientist Galileo Galilei.
The creator of the original is still being disputed as of today.Click on the link below for more info on the tower in Italy