Fairstone Apartments Shop24 - Taylorsville, UT, USA
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Chasing Blue Sky
N 40° 40.617 W 111° 54.791
12T E 422825 N 4503297
This Shop24 Machine, the first in Utah, is located in the Fairstone at Riverview Apartments complex, near the eastern boundary of Taylorsville, Utah.
Waymark Code: WMGPPD
Location: Utah, United States
Date Posted: 03/29/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member THE DAM TROLLS
Views: 35

The Fairstone Apartments are located just north of 4500 South, off Riverboat Road in Taylorsville, Utah. It is conveniently located adjacent to the Jordan River Parkway and close to I-15 access at 4500 South.

The Shop24 Machine is situated near the center of the Apartment complex and is right along the main entrance road - Royal River Road, at the point where it intersects with Sunny River Road. It is on the northwest corner of this T-intersection - you really can't miss it.

The installation of this Shop24 Machine attracted the attention of the local Fox News affiliate in Salt Lake City. An excerpt from the story follows:

"TAYORSVILLE — A high-tech vending machine at a Taylorsville apartment complex is making a trip to the grocery store a thing of the past.

The Shop24 automated convenience store at Fairstone Apartments holds about 220 items, from batteries and hygiene items to bread and milk, all available right at the complex 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with prices comparable to convenience stores.

The machines have their roots in Europe and a few have made their way to the East Coast, but the Taylorsville shop is the first in Utah.

Tony Trotter, owner of Shop24, says that residents in the complex are enjoying the convenience of nearby, 24 hour shopping." (visit link) Click the link to watch the video.

For the company press release for the Taylosville location, go to: (visit link)
Type: Outdoor

Physical Address:
4341 Riverboat Road
Taylorsville, UT USA

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