Panama City Florida - St. Andrews Park
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member TheAlabamaRambler
N 30° 07.250 W 085° 44.077
16R E 621900 N 3332850
Great salt-water fishing from shore or boat.
Waymark Code: WMGK
Location: Florida, United States
Date Posted: 08/24/2005
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member TheAlabamaRambler
Views: 128

The listed coords place you at the southern tip of the West jetty of the entrance to St. Andrews Bay.

St. Andrews State Park runs west along the shoreline.

Great fishing can be found here from shore or boat.

Fishing from the jetty cast a silver spoon or float live shrimp for snapper, grouper, mackerel and many other varieties.

Trolling close to shore in a line from the jetty tip to the far end of the park and back is a sure-fire way to load a cooler with Spanish Mackerel, King Mackerel in season, barracuda and shark.

CAUTION - While I regularly fish here with my 18' bass boat the channel does get very rough at tide change. Do NOT go out in the Gulf in anything less than a 22' boat unless you have experience and can time the tide and currents. The channel can be calm as a pond when you go out and have fast-moving 20' swells when you want to come in!
Recommended tackle: Heavy saltwater w/ 25lb or better line. 4-6" Steel leader recommended.

Recommended fishing methods:
Troll a big skirted jig with three hooks, attach a cigar minnow to the hooks, and on the last hook tie six feet of line and a medium silver spoon. You will rarely make a pass in this area without a fish!

Boat required: no

Catch and Release Only: no

FlyFishing Only: no

Parking or Launch Coordinates: Not Listed

USGS Real-Time Water Data: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
We would like to hear about your experiance while you were there, what you caught, your fishing methods and tackel! Everyone has there own methods and we can all learn from each other! Post a picture with your log and show off your catch or the place you fished.

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