Golden House Restaurant, Randers - Denmark
N 56° 27.768 E 010° 02.277
32V E 563957 N 6258072
Stor kinesisk restaurant i Randers Centrum.
Large Chinese restaurant in Center of Randers.
Waymark Code: WMGBC8
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 02/09/2013
Views: 13
I februar 2013 åbnede en ny stor kinesisk restaurant i Randers. Restauranten ligger i samme bygning som byens biograf og et fitnesscenter. Her serveres kinesisk buffet, sushi og mongolian barbeque. Restauranten har plads til knapt 350 gæster.
In February 2013 q new Chinese restaurant opened in Randers. The restaurant is situated in the same building as the cinema and a fitness center. Chinese buffet is served here as well as sushi and mongolian barbeque. The restaurant has room for about 350 guests.
Address: Thors Bakke 2 Randers, Midtjylland Denmark 8900
Take-out: yes
Web Address (optional ONLY if there is none): Not listed
Cuisine: Not listed
Delivery: Not listed
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