Höhenmarke Stiftskirche Neustadt, Germany, RP
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Tante.Hossi
N 49° 21.239 E 008° 08.161
32U E 437255 N 5467167
This is an old benchmark (Höhenmarke) located at the Stiftskirche, a church in Neustadt, Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz.
Waymark Code: WMFYT2
Location: Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Date Posted: 12/19/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Ddraig Ddu
Views: 24

This is an old benchmark (Höhenmarke) located at the Stiftskirche, a church in Neustadt, Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz.

The inscription of the benchmark is:
Deutsches Reich - Höhenmarke

The year of creation is unknown. But the empty space below the eagle seems to be from a removed swastika (Hakenkreuz) of the Nazis.

It is located at the 'Turmstraße' at the basement of the towers.

The diameter of the disk is about 10 cm.
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