Un-Numbered NT State Survey Mark, Stuart Hwy, Winnellie NT, Australia
S 12° 25.494 E 130° 52.930
52L E 704598 N 8625737
An un-numbered standard NT survey marker on a buttress of a bridge on what is now a cycle/walkway but was originally a railway.
Waymark Code: WMFYHC
Location: Northern Territory, Australia
Date Posted: 12/17/2012
Views: 6
This survey mark is visible on the northeastern bridge buttress, beside the Stuart Highway in Winnellie about 100 metres east of Bombing Road.
There is no evident painting or placard, and this marker could easily be missed if not for the nearby presence of the geocache GC1RJPQ Abridged by NTSTROM, now archived, and the replacement geocache GC3ME8E Abridged #2 By corunnaroad.