Normalhøjdepunkt Aarhus Domkirke
N 56° 09.397 E 010° 12.694
32V E 575254 N 6224171
Højdemålingspunkt på Aarhus Domkirke.
Benchmark on Aarhus Cathedral.
Waymark Code: WMFQN3
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 11/19/2012
Views: 41
På muren på Aarhus Domkirke sidder dette flotte, gamle målepunkt. Der sidder også to mindre højdemærker få meter til højre for dette mærke.
On the wall of Aarhus Cathedral this beautiful old benchmark is placed. You will also find to smaller benchmarks very close to this.
Visit Instructions:
1. A closeup photo of the waymark with your GPS, or (a part of) you in it, is required.
2. An area photo including the waymark in the view is highly appreciated.
Logs not meeting the requirements are considered arm chair visits and are therefor subject for deletion.