Iqaluit, Nunavut Main PO X0A 0H0
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Trail Blaisers
N 63° 44.907 W 068° 31.227
19V E 523666 N 7069072
Iqaluit's main post office.
Waymark Code: WMFN44
Location: Nunavut, Canada
Date Posted: 11/06/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member wildwoodke
Views: 6

Iqaluit's main post office is located near "The Four Corners" which is the heart of this small but bustling city. Iqaluit is the capital of Nunavut and home to many of the territory's government services, a large airport and businesses that serve the city's residents but also outlying communities within Baffin Region. The Inuktitut syllabics add a special touch to the standard Canada Post sign.
Post Office Type: Main Branch

Province/Territory: Nunavut

Historical Significance: No - Modern building

Location has a philatelic display: yes

What brought you here?:
Attending a conference.

Friendly and helpful service: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
To post a log to an existing Canada Post waymark, you will need to post a unique picture of the Canada Post sign. Including your gps device in the picture is not neccesary, but wouldn't be cause for disapproval, as long as all other details of your log are acceptable.

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