Bashford Burmister Company
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N 34° 32.519 W 112° 28.201
12S E 365110 N 3823233
This Historical Marker is located on the northeast corner of Montezuma and Gurley Streets in downtown Prescott, Arizona.
Waymark Code: WMFH5E
Location: Arizona, United States
Date Posted: 10/20/2012
Views: 6
Bashford Burmister
Coles Bashford arrived in Prescott in 1864 and was the first President of the Territorial Legislature. In 1874, Coles, his brother Levi, and son William formed a partnership with Robert Burmister. The Bashford-Burmister Company became one of the largest mercantile stores in northern Arizona, selling everything from mining supplies to fresh vegetables. Bashford advertised that his was the only store in Arizona that received goods directly from New York City. The original structure burned in the fire of 1900. This brick building, built after the fire, was enlarged and remodeled in an Art Deco style in 1929. In the 1940s, J.C. Penney replaced the Bashford-Burmister Company at this location. Renovated for use as an atrium mall in 1994, it once again serves as one of the commercial focal points of the downtown area.
Funded by the Historic Preservation Fund and the City of Prescott
Marker Name: Bashford Burmister Company
 Type of history commemorated: Place
 County: Yavapai
 Name of any agency/ agencies setting marker: Historic Preservation Fund
City of Prescott
 Year placed: Unknown

Visit Instructions:
To claim a log for this waymark, some proof of visit is required. This proof can be a simple gps photo, a photo with your mascot (a signature item that you use for photographs, similar to using a gps) or a answer to any question that the person who posted the waymark has asked. A gps photo will always be accepted as proof of visit regardless of any specific question a waymark may ask.