Graceland, Randers
N 56° 26.005 E 010° 03.225
32V E 564981 N 6254817
[dk] Graceland Randers er en næsten tro kopi af Graceland, Memphis. Museet ejer en stor mængde autentiske Elvis-ting.
(GB) Graceland Randers is almost a true copy of Graceland, Memphis. The Museum own a lot of authentic Elvis items.
Waymark Code: WMFEAG
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 10/06/2012
Views: 33
(DK) Som den eneste by udenfor USA har Randers nu fået sit helt eget stationære Elvis Presley museum. I 1993, åbnede vi vores første Elvis-udstilling i Provstegårds Centeret. Det blev så stor en succes, at vi blev tilbudt en "fuldtidskontrakt" i Søndervig. Siden har det været i Odense og så tilbage til Søndervig for så at åbne i Randers igen.
Museet ejer mange autentiske Elvis-ting, bl.a. tøj, sko, bøger, guitarer m.v.
(GB) As the only city outside of the US, Randers, Denmark has it's own Elvis Museum. The museum is a part of Graceland Randers. All the items on display are from Henrik Knudsen's personal collection. The museum is interesting for the hardcore Elvis collectors as well as people with a curiousity to know more about the best selling artist in the music business.
The museum own a lot o authentic Elvis items, such as clothes, shoes, books, letters, guitars etc.
Additional waypoint: N 56° 26.000 W 010° 03.348
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