[DK] Den gamle smede på Gammel Estrup. [ENG] The old smithy at Gammel Estrup.
N 56° 26.181 E 010° 20.555
32V E 582784 N 6255454
(dk) Den gamle smedje på Gammel Estrup. (eng) The old smithy at Gammel Estrup.
Waymark Code: WMFAJQ
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 09/20/2012
Views: 10
[DK] Den gamle smedie på Gl. Estrup blev bygget i 1761 og bliver stadig brugt af den lokale smedelaug. Man kan se dem arbejde fra 12:00 til 16:30 i sommerhalvåret. Det er tilladt at gå tur forbi smeden også uden for museets åbningstid.
[ENG] The old smithy at Gl Estrup was built in 1761 and is still used by the local blacksmith guild. You can see them work 12:00 to 16:30 during the summer. You are allowed to walk past the blacksmith outside the museum's opening hours.
Operating Status: Operating
Web Address: [Web Link]
Address: Randersvej 4 Auning, DK Denmark 8963
Visit Instructions:
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