White Quartz Cliff - Diamond Cove, Rose Blanche, Newfoundland
N 47° 36.779 W 058° 42.419
21T E 371719 N 5274697
Cliffs of white quartz.
Waymark Code: WMF3PB
Location: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Date Posted: 08/18/2012
Views: 6
The community of Rose Blanche got its name from the white quartz cliffs located in Diamond Cove. There have been traces of diamond and gold in the area as well, but the quartz cliffs are the major geological item in the area. These cliffs have been a tourist attraction on the SW coast of Newfoundland for many many years.
Viewing and photographing of these cliffs can be done from the public road.
Waymark is confirmed to be publicly accessible: yes
Parking Coordinates: N 47° 36.779 W 058° 42.419
Access fee (In local currency): .00
Requires a high clearance vehicle to visit.: no
Requires 4x4 vehicle to visit.: no
Website reference: [Web Link]
Public Transport available: Not Listed
Visit Instructions:
No specific requirements, just have fun visiting the waymark.