Chiesa Parrocchiale dei Santi Pietro e Paolo - Brissago, TI, Switzerland
Posted by: fi67
N 46° 07.112 E 008° 42.638
32T E 477641 N 5107257
The Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul is located in the historic center of Brissago.
Waymark Code: WMF3CG
Location: Ticino, Switzerland
Date Posted: 08/16/2012
Views: 6
EN: "Since the Middle Ages the Church of Saints Peter and Paul was used for parish services and as the location for town assemblies (citation present in 1289-1335 statutes). The current building was erected in the XVI century of the Middle Ages structure and was designed by local Architect Giovanni Beretta. Architect Beretta followed the works from the choir section to the presbytery, and then his son Pietro completed the works following the original concept (sanctification of the east side: 1553; churchyard arrangement: 1574; building completion on the west side between 1605 and about 1619; porch portal 1665)." (Source: (
visit link) )
IT: "La chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo ebbe fin dal medioevo la funzione di parrocchiale e luogo di assemblee del comune (citazione negli statuti del 1289-1335). L'edificio attuale, sorto sull'impianto Medievale, risale al XVI secolo; fu ideato dall'architetto Brissaghese Giovanni Beretta, che segui i lavori dal coro al presbiterio, e completato dal figlio Pietro secondo la concezione originaria (consacrazione della parte orientale: 1553; sistemazione del sagrato : 1574; completamento dell'edificio a occidente tra il 1605 e il 1619 ca.protiro 1665)." (origine: (
visit link) )
Country/Land: Switzerland / Schweiz
Original Reference: Ticino, B, p. 4
Address: via della Chiesa
6614 Brissago
Year built: 16th century
URL reference: [Web Link]
Additional URL: [Web Link]
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