Author Unknown Language Unknown - McNutts Island, Shelburne, NS
N 43° 37.355 W 065° 15.850
20T E 317323 N 4832445
An inscription of unidentified language in rock, located on McNutts Island, Shelburne, NS, Canada.
Waymark Code: WMEY53
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Date Posted: 07/21/2012
Views: 14
A few feet west of the building closest to the lighthouse is an inscription of language in rock, located on McNutts Island, Shelburne, NS, Canada. Locals who live in the area report that this language remains unidentified.
Research into this recorded language record remains ongoing research.
Note, the category of Etched In Stone seems to be the only current one that this waymark seems appropriate in.
Type: Pictograph
 How did you find this "Ancient Evidence": Geocaching
 Terrain Rating: 
 Trailhead: Not Listed

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