Drees House - Hays, KS
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N 38° 52.705 W 099° 19.560
14S E 471722 N 4303334
Lustron dwelling that was once owned by the mayor of Hays.
Waymark Code: WMEX6R
Location: Kansas, United States
Date Posted: 07/17/2012
Views: 6
There have only been two owners of this Lustron, and even though it is currently used as a rental it is still extremely well maintained and nearly original. It is a Winchester Deluxe, with only an aluminum awning over the side entrance, and an aluminum storm door over each exterior door as changes to its original outside appearance. According to the National Register of Historic Place form, the only change to the interior is a partial replacement of kitchen cabinetry.
Henry J. Drees, who was later to become the Mayor of Hays, had the structure built in 1949 by Leo J. Dreiling, the local Lustron dealer. Built on a concrete slab, it is 31 by 39 ft. The exterior color is "Dove Gray". Even the interior walls and ceiling are steel, the porcelain-enameled wall panels being two feet by eight feet, while the ceiling panels are eight square feet. The property is situated on a corner lot, and has minimal landscaping making it easy for an observer to visual what an original Lustron Winchester Deluxe would have looked when built.