St. Petri Kirche - Buxtehude - Germany
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member gaussfinder
N 53° 28.714 E 009° 42.192
32U E 546668 N 5925739
Blick vom Hafenparkplatz auf die St.-Petri-Kirche und der alten Malerschule in Buxtehude.
Waymark Code: WMEWRB
Location: Niedersachsen, Germany
Date Posted: 07/15/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Thorny1
Views: 21

Von der Ecke es Parkplatzes hat man einen sehr schönen Blick auf die Kirche. Bei Hochwasser spiegelt sich die Lichter im Wasser.
Parking or Trailhead: N 53° 28.714 W 009° 42.192

Feature Type: Artificial

Best Viewing Times: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Please post a quality photo of the view. You can include yourself, and it's OK if your GPS is in the photo (example, wearing it around your neck).

Blurry, or grainy/noisy images will be rejected. You will probably need a tripod and we don't recommend the use of a camera phone
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Bubi68 visited St. Petri Kirche - Buxtehude - Germany 09/06/2014 Bubi68 visited it
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ITS6 visited St. Petri Kirche - Buxtehude - Germany 02/07/2014 ITS6 visited it

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