Joseph Smith's boyhood home - Palmyra, NY
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N 43° 02.395 W 077° 14.460
18T E 317454 N 4767685
The Joseph Smith homestead in Palmyra, NY is now a functioning museum. Interpretive signs mark the orchard where young Joseph was first visited by the angel Moroni, and throughout the sacred grove.
Waymark Code: WMEGYH
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 05/29/2012
Views: 20
When we visited in March, there were Utah plates in the parking lot. I think it is safe to say that this is a pilgrimage site year-round for devotees of the Morman faith. I am placing my coordinates at the log cabin as the focal point of this site, however, the LDS website (
visit link) discloses that the log cabin is a replica built after the church bought the original 100-acre property in 1930.