The Mormon Pioneers - Lyman, WY
Posted by: DougK
N 41° 21.899 W 110° 17.838
12T E 558771 N 4579513
This monument and plaque commemorates the Mormon Pioneers who first passed this point in Wyoming in 1847.
Waymark Code: WMEAZK
Location: Wyoming, United States
Date Posted: 04/29/2012
Views: 6
This monument and plaque are located in a rest area off Interstate 80 near Lyman, Wyoming. The plaque reads:
Erected by
The Members of
Woodruff Stake
In Honor of
The Mormon
Who passed this point
Wednesday, July 7, 1847
and in subsequent years
From the LDS Church News website:
Among the earliest Latter-day Saints to enter Wyoming was a group of Mississippi converts immigrating to the West in 1846. They hoped to join the saints en route to the Great Basin and stopped a few miles below Fort Laramie, Wyo., in July 1846. While there, they learned that the vanguard company had decided to winter in Nebraska. The Mississippians left Wyoming for Pueblo, Colo. Some from the group joined Brigham Young's pioneer wagon train the next year that entered Wyoming on 31 May 1847. The Mississippi emigrants included members of the Mormon Battalion sick detachment as well. On 28 June 1847, the combined company under Brigham Young met famed mountain man Jim Bridger in southwestern Wyoming, who gave them a generally optimistic appraisal of the Great Basin area. Brigham Young directed the construction of ferries on the Platte and Green rivers and assigned men to remain there and run them. By the end of 1847, over 2,000 Mormons had crossed Wyoming into Utah.
Please provide open/close hours if available: Not listed
Plaese advise if there is a fee to visit the site.: Not listed