Gregory Tree, Australia (NT)
Posted by: Asse2Blx
S 15° 33.959 E 130° 22.087
52L E 646700 N 8278602
Baobab avec une date gravée dessus.
Waymark Code: WMEA8T
Location: Northern Territory, Australia
Date Posted: 04/25/2012
Views: 6
[Fr]Sur ce site, camp de base pour l’expédition d'Augustus Charles Gregory dans le nord de l'Australie, se trouve un baobab portant comme inscription la date de fin de cette exploration.
[En]On this site, base camp for the expedition of Augustus Charles Gregory in the north of Australia, there is a boab with on its trunk the end date for the exploration.
Website: [Web Link]
Historic Event: The date on the trunk
Year: 1855
Species: Boab tree / Baobab
Location: Gregory National Park (Victoria river section)
Approximate Age: Not Listed
Visit Instructions:
To log this waymark you must visit the site and post an original photo of the tree. Photos taken off the web, or from other sources are not acceptable.