Rathaus - Luzern, Switzerland
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N 47° 03.105 E 008° 18.358
32T E 447287 N 5211148
Luzern City Hall was built between 1602 and 1606 by Anton Isenmann in the Italian Renaissance style and covered with an overhanging roof as is typical for Bern.
Waymark Code: WMDXWN
Location: Luzern, Switzerland
Date Posted: 03/08/2012
Views: 19
Built between 1602 and 1606 by Anton Isenmann in the Italian Renaissance style and covered with an overhanging roof as is typical for Bern. The open arcades facing the Reuss are still used today as a weekly marketplace. Above the arcades is the Kornschütte hall, an earlier trading goods store, which is now used as a concert and exhibition locale.
Adapted from local tourist website
Country/Land: Switzerland / Schweiz
 Original Reference: Luzern A-Objekte, Seite 7 (241)
 Address: Kornmarkt 3
 Year built: 1602
 URL reference: [Web Link]
 Additional URL: Not listed

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