Menhir of Dölau, Halle, Germany, ST
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N 51° 31.161 E 011° 52.772
32U E 699772 N 5711512
The Stone Virgin, the second largest standing stone in Germany
Waymark Code: WMDT3B
Location: Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Date Posted: 02/21/2012
Views: 8
The Stone Virgin or the long stone is the second largest standing stone in Central Europe. It is 5.5 meters high. The once light colored quartzite is due to contamination mainly dark gray to black.
Type: Menhir
 Parking: N 51° 31.132 W 011° 52.596
 Number: 1.00
 Size: 5.5 meters high
 Source: quartzite from the Tertiary
 Purpose: Not listed

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