Webcam on the market place Halle, Germany
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member geowuschel
N 51° 28.934 E 011° 58.289
32U E 706318 N 5707640
web cam on the market place
Waymark Code: WMDRTJ
Location: Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Date Posted: 02/20/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Lord Elwood
Views: 17

The webcam is here: (link)
Public or Private?: Public

Web Site URL: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Updated October 3, 2011:

Your log needs to include a picture taken from the web camera with you in the field of vision. You may need to recruit some help from someone else on a computer while you are at the web camera.
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icemac visited Webcam on the market place Halle, Germany 01/24/2023 icemac visited it