"Studio Brussel" - Belgium
N 50° 51.172 E 004° 24.100
31U E 598663 N 5634399
Studio Brussel is a national Dutch speaking radio station located in Brussels, Brussel in Dutch, hence the name.
Waymark Code: WMDQEF
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date Posted: 02/14/2012
Views: 6
Studio Brussel is a Dutch speaking national radio station located in Brussels and part of the Belgian national radio and television network.
It's also known as 'StuBru' and started in 1983, at the first of April.
The radio station aims at a youth audience and plays non-commercial music in different genres, although it was rock-related at first, followed by the genres metal, hip hop and even house and techno music.
Station Category: Public Broadcaster
 Genre or specialty of the station submitted: Contemporary
 Station web-page: [Web Link]
 Internet web-casting link if available.: [Web Link]
 How is the signal transmitted: By "Transmission Tower"
 Favourite program or on air person/announcer: Siska staat op - the program that is currently running from 0600 AM till 0900 AM .. WAKE UUUUUUPPPP :)
 "SIRIUS Satellite Radio" channel number: Not listed
 "XM Satellite Radio" channel number: Not listed

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