Parc du Mont-Royal - Montréal, Qc, Canada
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N 45° 30.161 W 073° 35.623
18T E 609862 N 5039756
Parc du Mont-Royal is a famous park located in Montreal, Qc, Canada.
Waymark Code: WMDQDE
Location: Québec, Canada
Date Posted: 02/14/2012
Views: 79
In 1874: Frederick Law Olmsted is hired by the City of Montréal to draft plans for the park.
Mount Royal Park was officially opened on Queen Victoria’s birthday, Wednesday, May 24, 1876.
Frederick Law Olmsted was an American journalist, social critic, public administrator, and landscape designer. He is popularly considered to be the father of American landscape architecture. Olmsted was famous for co-designing many well-known urban parks with his senior partner Calvert Vaux, including Central Park and Prospect Park in New York City.
Other projects that Olmsted has been involved in include the country's first and oldest coordinated system of public parks and parkways in Buffalo, New York; the country's oldest state park, the Niagara Reservation in Niagara Falls, New York; one of the first planned communities in the United States, Riverside, Illinois.
Here are the details obtained on the ORGO web site :
Job Number: 00609
Job Name: Mount Royal Park
City-County: Montreal
St-Prov: Quebec
Country: Canada
Type 1: 01 Parks, Parkways & Recreation Areas
Number of Plans Available: 100
Date Range of Available Plans: 1876-1905
Correspondence Dates: 1874-1895; 1903-1908; 1965-1966
Includes Correspondence at Library of Congress? Yes
Type of Public Space: Park
 Job Number: 00609
 Architect: Frederick Law Olmsted

Visit Instructions:
There are no specific visit requirements, however telling about your visit is strongly encouraged. Additional photos of the park to add to the gallery are also nice, but not required. Pictures with a GPS or you in them is highly discouraged.