Comic-walls in Brussels - Boule et Bill/Billie en Bollie
N 50° 50.266 E 004° 20.738
31U E 594750 N 5632647
This is one of the series of murals in Brussels
Waymark Code: WMDQ59
Location: Belgium
Date Posted: 02/13/2012
Views: 14
As Belgium is quite known for its comic books in all kind of themes and for all ranges of age, a walk through Brussels whilst discovering some well-known and some less-known comic figures, is possible and very enjoyable.
More than 30 murals are located in the 'center' of Brussels.
This specific mural is from Jean Roba and depicts Boul et Bill/Billie en Bollie, a series which started in the early 60ies and still continues today.
City: Brussels
 Location Name: House at Reebokstraat 19
 Artist: Jean Roba
 Date: 10/1991
 Media: Painting on a brick wall/plastered
 Relevant Web Site: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Please give the date and description of your visit. One original photo of the mural must also be submitted. GPSr photo NOT required.