Adelaide River, NT, 0846
S 13° 14.251 E 131° 06.235
52L E 727978 N 8535639
An interesting Post Office in a "We Do Everything" outback establishment.
Waymark Code: WMDJ5H
Location: Northern Territory, Australia
Date Posted: 01/19/2012
Views: 7
It's hard to say whether this is a Post Office at the General Store, or a Store at a Post Office, or perhaps a Newsagent, Liquor Store and General Store at a Post Office. This is very much a "One Stop Shop" for the locals and the tourists passing through.
Unable to determine the age of the building, but except for the notices on the Community Notice Board, the brand of beer advertised, the price of that beer, and the headlines on the NT Times it looks very much as it did over ten years ago when I first stopped off to use the toilets 30 metres away.
I couldn't see any Post Boxes, but there is a large "Pigeon Hole" set inside.
Just wanted to add a little info, hope you don't mind Keith
Adelaide River is a small but historically significant town located at the crossing of the Stuart Highway over the Adelaide River in the Northern Territory of Australia. The town is upstream of the Adelaide and Mary River Floodplains Important Bird Area.
Adelaide River was first settled by workers who arrived in the area to construct the Overland Telegraph Line. During construction, the discovery of gold at Pine Creek in 1872 had a major impact on the settlement.
In 1873, a weekly mail service between Southport and a mining site further south at Yam Creek was established. This service utilised pack horses, and during the wet season months when progress was slow mail bags from the north and south were exchanged at the crossing of the Adelaide River. The following year, Mr. Edward Hopewell was awarded this mail contract and built the Q.C.E. Hotel on the river bank and a restaurant, the "Jolly Waggoner" was opened by George Doherty, increasing the importance of the area as an overnight stop for travellers. The first police station in the town was constructed in 1879.
Prior to the construction of the railway to Pine Creek, the Adelaide River crossing was the overnight stopping point for the Haimes Royal Mail Coach which linked Southport with the goldfields. This was a vital and well utilised transport link, but was a slow and uncomfortable service. Legislation providing for an upgraded transport link was passed in 1883 by the government of John Cox Bray in the form of the Palmerston and Pine Creek Railway Bill.
In 1886 a contract was signed between the Government of South Australia and construction firm C&E Millar to build the railway between Port Darwin (then known as Palmerston) and the goldfields at Pine Creek. By April 1888 the railway had reached Adelaide River. Construction of the 155 metres (509 ft) long steel girder across the river itself used five 31 metres (102 ft) spans supported on four sets of piers. The bridge was all but complete by the onset of the wet season later that year. The first train to cross reached the southern bank on 3 December 1888, followed five days later by the first scheduled service, hauled by the locomotive "Silverton".
State/Territory: NT
 Post Boxes: No
 Historical Significance: Not listed
 Current use: Yes

Visit Instructions:
To post a log to an existing Australia Post waymark, you will need to post a unique picture of the Australia Post sign. Including your GPS device in the picture is not neccesary and wouldn't be cause for disapproval, as long as all other details of your log are acceptable.