Abbey and Altenmünster of Lorsch
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Stream_Green
N 49° 39.222 E 008° 34.115
32U E 468860 N 5500217
We visited this location at 2006-03-05. We have usually in this region at this time a warmer weather. But this year we had a cold winter. So, you can see on the photo the last snow in March.
Waymark Code: WMDF6
Location: Hessen, Germany
Date Posted: 05/25/2006
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Tervas
Views: 129

The abbey, together with its monumental entrance, the famous 'Torhall', are rare architectural vestiges of the Carolingian era. The sculptures and paintings from this period are still in remarkably good condition.
Type: Building

Reference number: 515

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