No.246, Hrad - Roštejn, CZ
Posted by: L@Troj
N 49° 15.113 E 015° 25.566
33U E 531008 N 5455544
CZ: Hrad Roštejn se nachází na vrcholu Jihlavských vrchu ve výšce cca 667 m.n.m, cca. 9 km od mesta Telc.
EN: Roštejn is located on top of the Jihlava Hills at an altitude of about 667 m, approx. 9 km from the town of Telc.
Waymark Code: WMCY8W
Location: Kraj Vysočina, Czechia
Date Posted: 10/25/2011
Views: 86
Hrad Roštejn
Puvodne gotický strážní hrad byl v 16. století prestaven na Hrad Roštejnrenesancní lovecké sídlo. Po požáru roku 1915 byl opušten a pustl, komplexní rekonstrukce probehla v 50. až 80. letech. Na hrade je umístena pobocka Muzea Vysociny (historie hradu, etnografie, príroda Jihlavských vrchu, cínarství a kamenictví na Vysocine). Cást bývalé obory pod hradem tvorí botanickou rezervaci. Každorocne se na hradním nádvorí koná historický hodokvas a jazzové koncerty.
Zdroj informací: ""
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The Roštejn Castle
Originally a Gothic border castle was converted into a Renaissance palace in hunting-lodge style in 16th century. After a great fire in 1915 the castle was deserted and turned into a ruin; it was only in 1958 that total restoration began. The castle is a seat of the branch of Highland Museum (history of the castle, etnography, the countryside of the Jihlava Hills, pewter making and stone cutting at the Highland). One part of the former game preserve creates a botanic garden which contains dozens of protected species. The historical feast has been annually held at the castle courtyard as well as traditional Jazz Festival.
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