Zêzere Glacier Valley - Guarda, Portugal
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SUp3rFM & Cruella
N 40° 19.003 W 007° 34.476
29T E 621109 N 4463885
The Zêzere Glacier Valley is to the largest glacier tongue of the Serra da Estrela, reaching 13 km in length.
Waymark Code: WMCVZC
Location: Guarda, Portugal
Date Posted: 10/17/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member wilsonjw
Views: 19

The place where the glacier clearly surpassed the village of Manteigas can today be easily observed. The glacier dissolved at 680m above sea level. The enormous length of the valley glacier was due to the fact that it was fed by the tongues ??of the Nave de Santo António, the Covão Ametade, Candieiro Covões in a constant way.

The thickness of the ice tongue in the valley reached 300m, which can be confirmed by the existence of moraines at Lagoa Seca.

The last occurrence of this phenomenon is estimated to happened 20000 years ago.

If you follow the safe viewing coordinates, you'll have a great view of the valley and could easily picture how it was back then.
Mountain / landmass name: Serra da Estrela

Park name (if any): Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela

Glacier type: ice

Parking / trail head / boat launch:
Pousada de São Loureço
Manteigas, Guarda Portugal

Final access method: Hiking trail

Safe viewing location: N 40° 25.100 W 007° 32.392

Photograph submitted: no

Travel time (approximate): Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
To log an existing waymark, you must post a photograph of you and the glacier [TAKEN FROM A SAFE LOCATION], and describe briefly how you arrived there.
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tofixe visited Zêzere Glacier Valley - Guarda, Portugal 03/27/2014 tofixe visited it
bmps2003 visited Zêzere Glacier Valley - Guarda, Portugal 03/16/2013 bmps2003 visited it
RuiJSDuarte visited Zêzere Glacier Valley - Guarda, Portugal 10/28/2011 RuiJSDuarte visited it

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