Ross Farm Museum, New Ross, Nova Scotia
N 44° 43.565 W 064° 27.386
20T E 384665 N 4953553
Ross Farm Museum provides a wonderful historic window of Nova Scotia’s agricultural history. There are lots of things to see and do that the whole family will enjoy.
Waymark Code: WMCTDG
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Date Posted: 10/10/2011
Views: 3
The Ross Farm Museum which was established in 1969, is located on Highway #12 in New Ross, Nova Scotia. The Museum is a living, working, farm museum depicting 150 years of agriculture in Nova Scotia. It is a single family upland farm on land originally granted to Captain William Ross. Ross Farm Museum is still being farmed with Oxen, the way it was in the late 1800’s. In Rosebank Cottage, the original home of the Ross family built in 1817, you may see food being prepared over an open fire, straw hats being woven, wool or flax being spun, butter being churned, or many other skills being demonstrated that were daily chores for our forefathers, but are now almost lost.
There is a working blacksmith shop where hardware is produced for the farm, as well they shoe approximately 60 pairs of oxen each year. There is also a working stave mill and cooperage producing barrels, the original workshop where products such as butter churns, spoons, buckets and even snow shoes are made, you might have a chance to take part in a class in the one room school.
Theme: Agricultural History
 Street Address: 4568 Highway # 12,
New Ross, NS
B0J 2M0
 Food Court: no
 Gift Shop: yes
 Hours of Operation: May 1st to October 31th
Open Daily 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
 Cost: 6.00 (listed in local currency)
 Museum Size: Small
 Relevant Web Site: [Web Link]

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