Spirit of the American Dough Boy - North Canaan, CT
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Facedances
N 42° 01.582 W 073° 19.687
18T E 638406 N 4654055
This Spirit of the American Dough Boy statue is located on East Main St. at Granite Ave. in North Canaan.
Waymark Code: WMCT5W
Location: Connecticut, United States
Date Posted: 10/09/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member THE DAM TROLLS
Views: 21

The plaque is hard to read, so I have included the website: (visit link)

The statue is located in a small park next to Promised Land Baptist Church.
Where is this statue located?: Public Park

Which branch of the Military does this statue depict?: Army

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Ourspolaire&Gemeloj visited Spirit of the American Dough Boy - North Canaan, CT 07/22/2018 Ourspolaire&Gemeloj visited it
gemeloj visited Spirit of the American Dough Boy - North Canaan, CT 07/21/2018 gemeloj visited it
bfrueger visited Spirit of the American Dough Boy - North Canaan, CT 12/18/2011 bfrueger visited it

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