The Foot of Uwe Seeler - Hamburg, Germany
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member TheSearchEngine
N 53° 35.294 E 009° 54.024
32U E 559601 N 5938086
[D] Eine übergroße Skulptur des rechten Fusses des berühmten HSV-Spielers Uwe Seeler. FOTO ERFORDERLICH! [ENG] A large sculpture of the right foot of the famous football player Uwe Seeler. PHOTO REQUIRED!
Waymark Code: WMC0F5
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Date Posted: 07/11/2011
Views: 41

[D] Diese bronzene Fußskulptur im Massstab 1:20 wurde zu Ehren des ehemaligen deutschen Fußballspieler Uwe Seeler aufgestellt. Der Fuss hat gigantische Ausmasse:

Höhe: 5,30 m
Breite: 2,30 m
Länge: 5,15 m
Gewicht: 4 t

Bitte mach ein Foto von Dir oder Deinem GPSr vor dem Bronzefuss.

[ENG] This bronze foot (scale of 1:20) was set up in honor of the former German football player Uwe Seeler. The foot has gigantic proportions:

Height: 5.30 m
Width: 2.30 m
Length: 5.15 m
Weight: 4 tons

Please take a photo of you or your GPSr at the bronze foot.
Title: "Uns Uwe"

Artist: Brigitte Schmitges

Placement Date: August 2005

Website: [Web Link]

Type of Object: foot

Location: Sylvesterallee, Imtech Arena, Hamburg

Material: bronze

Visit Instructions:
Give a narrative of your experience. What did you think of the sculpture? If you would like, provide another photo. Please no virtual visits.
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