Bell in waychapel, Jehnice, Czech Republic
Posted by: GEO-VLK
N 49° 16.312 E 016° 35.742
33U E 616074 N 5458902
A small bell tower of waychapel in village Jehnice nearby town Brno.
Waymark Code: WMBJGC
Location: Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 05/26/2011
Views: 90
Brno-Jehnice - zvonice na námestí 3. kvetna, postavená roku 1968. Kríž vedle ní je z roku 1965
Brno Jehnice - bell tower in the square 3. kvetna, built in 1968. Cross next to it is from 1965
Address of Tower: 3. května Jehnice, Jihomoravsky Czech Republic 62100
Still Operational: yes
Number of bells in tower?: 1
Rate tower:
Tours or visits allowed in tower?: Yes
Relevant website?: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Please post an original picture of the tower taken while you were there. Please also record how you came to be at this tower and any other interesting information you learned about it while there.