Pioneer Rock Church - 282
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N 40° 30.931 W 112° 01.980
12T E 412489 N 4485489
Pioneer Rock Church
Waymark Code: WMBBBQ
Location: Utah, United States
Date Posted: 04/29/2011
Views: 9
Herriman was settled in 1851 by the families of Henry Herriman, Thomas Butterfield and John J. Stocking. In 1853 Brigham Young called twenty families to strengthen the settlement. Henry Herriman was chosen the first presiding elder of the L.D.S. Church and meetings were held in a log structure inside the fort. On this site 1879, a rock building, 40' x 60', with walls 18" thick was constructed, under the direction of Ensign I. Stocking, from rocks chiseled by hand, and lumber brought from Butterfield Canyon. A large potbellied stove furnished the heat while kerosene lamps provided light. A wood carved pulpit with red velvet covered top, was placed in the enter of the platform.
Marker Name: Pioneer Rock Church
 Marker Number: 282
 Marker Text: Herriman was settled in 1851 by the families of Henry Herriman, Thomas Butterfield and John J. Stocking. In 1853 Brigham Young called twenty families to strengthen the settlement. Henry Herriman was chosen the first presiding elder of the L.D.S. Church and meetings were held in a log structure inside the fort. On this site 1879, a rock building, 40' x 60', with walls 18" thick was constructed, under the direction of Ensign I. Stocking, from rocks chiseled by hand, and lumber brought from Butterfield Canyon. A large potbellied stove furnished the heat while kerosene lamps provided light. A wood carved pulpit with red velvet covered top, was placed in the enter of the platform.

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