Permanent exhibition of freshwater fish, which can be seen in the giant aquarium with a capacity of 300,000 liters of water, there are fish from rivers and lakes, such as carp, pike, catfish (albino), sturgeon, tench, crucian carp, asp, grass, sun general, bream, etc. In addition to these five giant aquariums in the exhibition will see a small aquarium containing 150-700 l in which you find less familiar species of tropical fish.
There is a restaurant where you can taste fish specialties.
From May to October you can also come fishing in the breeding ponds.
May, June, September, October - SAT and SUN from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
July, August - from TUE to SUN from 11:00 am to 6: pm.
Fee is 30 Kc
Stálá výstava sladkovodních ryb, kde lze videt v obrích akváriích o kapacite 300 000 litru vody, nacházejí se zde ryby z našich rek a rybníku, napr. kapr, štika, sumec (albín), jeseter, lín, karas, bolen, amur, parmicky, slunka obecná, cejn aj. Krome techto 5 obrích akvárií na výstave uvidíte také malá akvária o obsahu 150 až 700 litru, ve kterých najdete méne známé druhy akvarijních rybek.
Soucástí objektu je restaurace, kde mužete ochutnat rybí speciality.
Od kvetna do rijna si mužete sami nalovit ryby v chovných rybnících.
Poplatek je 30 Kc, chycene pstruhy si pak musite i zaplatit 120 Kc/ kg
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