Die Windsbraut - Flensburg, Germany
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member TheSearchEngine
N 54° 47.359 E 009° 26.033
32U E 527900 N 6071433
[D] Diese Skulptur ziert den Willy-Brandt-Platz am Flensburger Hafen. FOTO ERFORDERLICH! [E] This sculpture graces the Willy-Brandt-Platz at the port of Flensburg. PHOTO REQUIRED!
Waymark Code: WMB8W2
Location: Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Date Posted: 04/20/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member bluesnote
Views: 45

[D] Die knapp 2,5 Meter hohe "Windsbraut" besteht vollständig aus Metall und steht auf einem knapp 3 Meter hohem Steinsockel. Diese Skulptur wurde 1972 von Hermann Menzel (1899 - 1985) gefertigt.

Bitte mach ein Foto von Dir oder Deinem GPSr vor der Skulptur.

[E] The nearly 2.5-meter-high "Windsbraut" is made entirely of metal and stands on an almost 3 meter high stone base. This sculpture was created in 1972 by Hermann Menzel (1899 - 1985).

Please take a photo of you or your GPSr at the sculpture.
Title of Piece: Windsbraut

Artist: Hermann Menzel

Material/Media: Metal

Location (specific park, transit center, library, etc.): Willy-Brandt Platz

Web link(s) for additional information: Not listed

Visit Instructions:

Enjoy taking your photos from varying angles to really show off the beauty of the piece. Please include your impressions of the piece.

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