Pioneer First Camp Ground ~ 147
Posted by: brwhiz
N 38° 15.821 W 112° 38.671
12S E 356129 N 4236350
Settlers attempting to tame land deemed unfit for cultivation made their first camp near this site.
Waymark Code: WMB5J1
Location: Utah, United States
Date Posted: 04/08/2011
Views: 6
Daughters of Utah Pioneers
No. 147
Erected Nov. 1949
Pioneer First Camp Ground
Near this site, February 6, 1856, in zero weather,
Beaver pioneers made their first camp. Prior
to this, the land had been rejected as unfit
for cultivation, but the amount of water
available gave courage. At a mass meeting in
Parowan, some of the more venturesome families
were selected. Led by Captain Simeon F. Howd,
Wilson G. Nowers, James P. Anderson, John
Henderson, Ross G. Rogers, J.M. Davis, Lorin W.
Babbit, William Wanlass, and James Low, they
faced the seemingly impossible and redeemed
the valley.
Anderson Camp - - Beaver County
Marker Name: Pioneer First Camp Ground
 Marker Number: 147
 Marker Text: See Long Description

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