The Providence Players ~ 143
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N 41° 42.460 W 111° 49.049
12T E 431988 N 4617641
The Providence Players were the theater company of early Providence. The multi-purpose rock assembly hall served as their performance venue.
Waymark Code: WMB0KT
Location: Utah, United States
Date Posted: 03/20/2011
Views: 9
Daughters of Utah Pioneers
No. 143
Erected Oct. 1949
The Providence Players
Pioneer dramatic players entertained early Cache Valley audiences in this rock building. When erected, 1868-70, the only assembly hall in Providence, it had the finest dance floor, stage, proscenium, paintings, curtain, in the valley. Among the players were: Chas. and Joan M. Johnson, Harry Brown, Jessie Hammer, John Wilson, Alzina Hammond, Jas. Nye, Thos. Priday, Jos. A. Smith, Mary Naef, Lucinda Monroe, Wm. Reading, Jas. Fife, Ammon Harmon, Geo. and Mary Marler, Wm. W. Low, Henry Bullock, Lorin Bassett, and Rudolph Hugg.
Elizabeth Mathews Camp - - Cache Co.
Marker Name: The Providence Players
 Marker Number: 143
 Marker Text: See Long Description

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