Snow Ploughs at Letohrad Train Station
Posted by: ištván
N 50° 01.869 E 016° 30.461
33U E 607979 N 5543183
Snow removals are detached right at train station in Letohrad / Snežné pluhy jsou pres léto odstaveny prímo ve stanici Letohrad
Waymark Code: WMATRC
Location: Pardubický kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 02/24/2011
Views: 145
[EN] MOV's are visible right from platform at train station Letohrad, they're on the farthest track but usually visible. If you want to see the machines and other trains are in your view, try to come to them from the other side, from street "U Pily".
[CZ] Pluhy jsou vetšinou videt prímo z nástupište, jsou na nejvzdálenejší, odstavné, koleji, jestli ve stanici cekají nákladní vlaky a nemají se k odjezdu, obejdete nádraží (pujdete smerem do mesta a za mostkem vlevo kolem skladu).
Is this a display or a maintenance facility location?: Maintenance Facility
Are there any fees and if so how much? (optional): none / nejsou
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