Repainted Flag on Mosaics - Usti nad Orlici, Czech Republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ištván
N 49° 58.357 E 016° 23.822
33U E 600176 N 5536521
Then mayor of Usti, Richard Pesek, ordered the flag on left mosaic repaint blue / Bývalý starosta Ústí Richard Pešek osobne namíchal barvy pro premalování rudého praporu na modro
Waymark Code: WMATK1
Location: Pardubický kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 02/23/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member saopaulo1
Views: 93

[EN] Then mayor of Usti nad Orlici, Richard Pesek, ordered red flag on mosaic (WMAGPX) repainted blue. In summer of 2010 seemed likely that president Vaclav Klaus visits city for opening of newly built Kocianka park/square, therefore red color - associated with communist era (1948-1989) - was found inappropriate. Action was widely criticised as changing history through symbols and interfering with art. Both men, president and mayor, are associated with politic party bearing blue color.

[CZ] Tehdejší starosta Ústí nad Orlicí, Richard Pešek, prikázal a osobne namíchal barvy pro premalování rudého praporu na mozaice kulturního domu (WMAGPX) na modro. Duvodem byla nevhodnost rudé evokující doby minulé v prípade návštevy prezidenta Klause na otevrení klidové zóny Kociánka.

Type of publication: Newspaper

When was the article reported?: 08/27/2010

Publication: Orlický deník

Article Url: [Web Link]

Is Registration Required?: no

How widespread was the article reported?: national

News Category: Politics

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