Espoo Museuam of Modern Art - Espoo, Finland
Posted by: Neofytos
N 60° 10.709 E 024° 47.665
35V E 377656 N 6673331
Espoo Museum of Modern Art
Waymark Code: WMANZR
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 02/06/2011
Views: 68
EMMA - Espoo Museum of Modern Art is among the largest art museums in Finland. The exhibition area is divided in two. The permanent exhibition presents a selection from The Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection and the other half the changing domestic and international exhibitions.(source: museum's web page)
Name: EMMA - Espoo Museum of Modern Art
Location: The WeeGee Exhibition Centre,
Ahertajantie 5, Tapiola
P.O.Box 6661, 02070 ESPOON KAUPUNKI
Phone Number: +358 (0)9 8165 7512
Web Site: [Web Link]
Agency/Ownership: Public
Hours of operation: Mon. closed
Tue, Thu, Fri 11am—6pm
Wed 11am—8pm (Admission free 6pm—8pm)
Sat—Sun 11am—5pm
Admission Fee: 10€/8€, Under 18 and over 70 admitted free
Gift Shop: yes
Cafe/Restaurant: yes
Visit Instructions:
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