Hesburger, Barona Areena - Espoo, Finland
Posted by: Neofytos
N 60° 10.687 E 024° 47.116
35V E 377147 N 6673308
Hesburger, Barona Areena - Espoo, Finland
Waymark Code: WMANZP
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 02/06/2011
Views: 50
Hesburger is Finlands largest fast food chain. There is about 270 Hesburger restaurants in Finland, but also few in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and in Germany.
There are 10 Hesburgers in Espoo. This one is located in the ice rink and the fair center, Barona Areena.
During the ice hockey games.
Franchise or Chain: Hesburger
Address: Urheilupuistontie 3 Espoo, FINLAND 02200
Relevant Web Site (Optional): [Web Link]
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