Cloverleft Grange #22 - Post Falls, ID
Posted by:
Martin 5
N 47° 44.287 W 116° 58.806
11T E 501491 N 5287193
Cloverleaf Grange #22, located north of Post Falls, Idaho, at 3232 N. McGuire Road.
Waymark Code: WMANMM
Location: Idaho, United States
Date Posted: 02/04/2011
Views: 3
The signs lists: Established 1906. Built in 1908.
The following link is a story published in the Spokesman Review on 12/10/10 in reference to the Cloverleaf Grange, the oldest active grange in Idaho: (
visit link)
County: Kootenai
 Chapter Name (number): Cloverleaf / 22
 Is The Chapter Active?: Yes

Visit Instructions:
To post a visit to an existing Grange Hall waymark, you will need to post a picture of the front of the building, with the name of the chapter in the background if that is possible. Including your gps device in the picture is not neccesary, but wouldn't be cause for disapproval. If your Grange Hall has any unusual or unique features that you feel others would enjoy viewing, additional pictures are always welcome.
Recent Visits/Logs:
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