Good Samaritan Society - National Campus - Sioux Falls, SD
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N 43° 30.033 W 096° 46.893
14T E 679349 N 4818793
A white flag with blue and yellow bearing the corporate logo for The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society.
Waymark Code: WMANJX
Location: South Dakota, United States
Date Posted: 02/04/2011
Views: 11
The corporate banner, along with the National Colors and the State Flag of South Dakota, can be found near the main entrance to the National Campus of The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society in Sioux Falls, SD. The Society is the nations largest not-for-profit long term care organizations with centers and facilities in 25 states.
Visit Instructions:Visits may be to the specific flag location of the waymark
OR to another location of the same flag.
FOR NEW LOCATIONS YOU MUST GIVE COORDINATES FOR THE FLAG VISITED! Please briefly describe the location, and how it is related to the original waymark location.
For all visits upload at least one original photo of the flag location.
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