Nagy Kínai Étterem - Budapest, Hungary
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member
N 47° 30.291 E 019° 06.383
34T E 357400 N 5263006
Great Chinese Reataurant Budapest
Waymark Code: WMAMA2
Location: Hungary
Date Posted: 01/29/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 9

The Great Chinese Restaurant is located at the crossing of the Hungária boulevard and the Jurisich street, at the eastern side of the tramline.
You can taste traditional chinese tastes in original chinese environment. The restaurant made for 180 persons and fully air-conditioned with 4 separated rooms for events.
The restaurant was opened in January 1992.
Web Address (optional ONLY if there is none): [Web Link]

Hungária körút 53-55.
Budapest, Hungary

Take-out: no

Cuisine: Not listed

Delivery: Not listed

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