Cyril and Cenek Dolecek Monument / Pomnicek na Luhu
Posted by: ištván
N 49° 59.469 E 016° 20.176
33U E 595781 N 5538502
Father and son Dolecek commemorative monument, built in 1959. / Pomník otci a synu Doleckovým odhalený v roce 1959.
Waymark Code: WMAJRN
Location: Pardubický kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 01/22/2011
Views: 92
Simple 2,5m tall sand stone block, small flame fist embossment and inscriptions made in red:
1938 - 1945
Cenek Dolecek and son Oldrich
died in fight against fascism*
(*this ain't translation mistake, terms fascism and Nazism are widely mistaken in Czech)
Family Dolecek sheltered in woods, provided food and clothes to fled Russian POWs, Czech partisans and from England sent Czech paratroopers. Their efforts were uncovered by GeStaPo, father was sentenced to death, son was sent in concentration camp, where he died blind and exhausted in August 1945, mother was sentenced for 4 and daughter for 2 years in prison, they both survived the war.
Jednoduchý, približne 2,5m vysoký, pískovcový kvádr s drobným reliéfem plamenne pesti a cervene vyvedenými nápisy:
1938 - 1945
Cenek Dolecek a syn Oldrich
Padli v boji proti fašismu
Rodina Doleckových ukryvala v okolnich lesich zbehle ruske zajatce, ceske odbojare a z Anglie vyslany vysadek. Jejich konani bylo v roce 1943 odhaleno GeStaPem, pan Dolecek byl popraven, syn Oldrich poslán do koncentracního tábora, kde slepý a vysílený zemrel v srpnu 1945, matka byla odsouzena na 4 a dcera na 2 roky vezeni, obe zeny valku prezily.
Date of Dedication: 05/09/1959
Property Permission: Private
Access instructions: It is on private property but accesible without permission from nearby trail. Please, do not trespass the garden or sneak around the house.
Location of waymark: Dobrá Voda 34 Orlické Podhůří, Paedubicky kraj Czech Republic 562 01
Commemoration: Father and son Dolecek's death in resistance during WW2
Access times: Not listed
Website for Waymark: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Include a photo containing, at minimum, the monument and your GPSr. We'd prefer a photo containing YOU at the monument, but we understand that some people are camera-shy.
Also include a bit about your visit here.