Luna Park - Lunacy - Milsons Point, NSW, Australia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Riblit
S 33° 50.945 E 151° 12.634
56H E 334448 N 6253137
A check on his mental health
Waymark Code: WMADTB
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Date Posted: 01/01/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member DougK
Views: 39

On 25th May 2005, Zippy, worried about his mental health, visited the Luna Park Face where he was told that he was the only sane one in a world of madness.
Date the strip ran: 05/23/2005

Strip Name: Lunacy

Location of item featured in the strip: Luna Park, Milsons Point, NSW, Australia

Link to the Strip: [Web Link]

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