Seri Rambai Cannon
This brass cannon was cast in 1603 and given to the Sultan of Johore (Sultan Riayat Shah Shah III ) by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in 1606. It was captured by the Achinese in 1613 and taken to Java. In 1795 the Sultan of Acheh in turn gave the cannon to Sultan Ibrahim Shah, the Sultan of Selangor who had it installed at Kota Malawati, one of the two forts near the mouth of the Selangor River.
The Dutch, in retaliation to the Selangor and Archinese alliance attack on Melaka in 1784, attacked the forts and drove Sultan Ibrahim's forces into the jungle. In the middle of the following year the Sultan's forces enlisted the help of 2,000 Pahang Malays and took back the forts in a surprise night attack. The British used gunboats to pound the forts into submission in 1871 and took possession of the Cannon, shipping it to Kota Cornwallis where it now stands.